
montage monday: evening in north adelaide

evening in north adelaide 2006Yes, not surprisingly today's Monday Montage comes from last Tuesday's Camera Club shoot... it seems to have ended up as a study in white, black, blue and brown for the most part... which is kind of interesting I guess.

Having seen Daylight Savings roll in on Sunday morning, I was looking forward to snagging my extra hour of sleep this morning... I know technically the extra hour comes in on Sunday morning, but like a lot of people I never feel that hour until Monday when I have to get up at a specific time... and I would have really enjoyed it too, if it hadn't been for the fact that I'd forgotten to take my mobile phone clock back an hour and set it's alarm for 7am... so I woke up at 6am, reset the clock, reset the alarm and went back to sleep. It did feel weird getting up when it was already light though...

And yet again in Saturday's paper, next to the "Wind your clocks back, this is how all the timezones in Australia will look" graphic was the argument about bringing South Australian time in line with the Eastern States (Melbourne and Sydney mostly)... every year for the last three or four years they trott out the same argument twice a year at Daylight Savings Time, and then, for the rest of the year you don't hear anything about it. Personally I think it's a stupid idea, but you would think, if people were that committed to the concept they would make noise all year round. It's probably just The Advertiser beating up the same story over and over again... fills up space. Thus is the life of a One Paper Town...

It was also odd walking through the remains of the O'Connell Street Food and Wine Affair in Wellington Square this morning... especially since that square is normally so empty... to have all the workmen dismantling tents and stacking chairs and just having the remains of the event spread around the place.

I finally heard from Phoenix... I hadn't spoken to him since his visit on Wednesday, but I sent him a text message on Friday afternoon asking if he want to come over and spend the night snuggling... and I didn't hear from him Friday, or Saturday or until late on Sunday... it was a whole world of "Ignore me once, shame on you... Ignore me for three days, shame on me"... so I have to admit, when he messaged me I was a little short with him... he said he hadn't seen the message and had been sick... m'eh... maybe it's true, maybe it's not. I basically laid my cards on the table though, and said pretty much the same things to him that I said in my post on Wednesday... and he agreed that he's totally not ready to date anyone until he gets this stuff with his best friend sorted out (he so needs to move on and get over it, but I've been there and done that, and it's easier said than done)... but he didn't sound particularly adverse to my suggestion that we stay snugglebuddies (so sue me... he's nice to snuggle with, I just don't want to date him)... but actions speak louder than words, so we'll see what happens. In my own wonderfully paranoid way, I'm wondering if the whole best friend thing is a smokescreen because he's actually not that interested... say it with me now people... "He's Just Not That Into You"...

Current Mood: doin ok

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through, the Student directory at Bratboyschool.com.
You sound pretty cool.
Boston, MA USA