

Gabriel. You're most like the ArchAngel of Communication, in charge of things like telephones, libraries, internet, and the 411 phone menu. You're organised and are not shy about inflicting that organisation on others.

Which ArchAngel are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah... like this is any kind of surprise... especially after recent events...

Current Mood: a little knocked around from lack of sleep and end of daylight savings, but okay mostly


Bodhi said...

Well, the fact that I came out as Lucifer probably goes a lot further into explaining why Mikey (The Lovely Ex), who is The Other Andrew's indeed lovely ex, has dubbed myself, Rabbit and The Kid the 'Unholy Trinity' - LOL.

Although, seriously, if you read the brief decription it is actually spookily quite accurate:

Lucifer. The most misunderstood of all the ArchAngels, you're most like the ArchAngel of Light. You've seen the darkside and have opted for something better. You need better press, though chances are no one will really understand your motives.

yani said...

Remind me Bodhi, you don't have your own blog why exactly???

You really should start sharing some of these adventures in your own words so we don't have to rely on comments on other people's blogs and the occasional snippet from Andrew...

Vote 1 for Bodhi's Blog... :P

Bodhi said...

Oh don't you start on this too, Yani. I already get enough from Andrew about it. Blog this, blog that. Blah blah blah.

It's like I told him. Why should I go to all the bother and time of setting up my own blog, when I am perfectly content having his blog as an interesting little aside and diversion from the prominence of my truly brilliant comments?

He just rolls his eyes at me. Not entirely sure why ....

Anyhoo, most people would simply believe any blog by moi to be a work of fiction. The scary thing is, it would be real. Like some bad soap opera gone mo'. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the gays of my lives. And, you know, then there's the whole protect the nameless, faceless innocent thing.

Cause, you know, I'm such a giver.

Sooooo .... you just all get back to your usually scheduled blog Yani-ness, thank you very much ... love your work sweetie.

Bodhi :-)

PS. I do have three websites, though ... does that count?