This is my 3000th blog post. Hence all the photos featuring threes and groups of threes.
Three thousand. It's a big number, covering the last seven and a bit years.
Although given that I've stopped worrying about doing a post a day, it took me about three years and four months to get to 2000 posts, but to get from 2000 to 3000 has taken an additional three years.
Over the last 3000 posts I've done 197 movie reviews (not counting 17 DVD review posts), hosted an impressive 372 Random Hotnesses and 607 featured photo posts... there have been 60 travel related posts as well as the newest of my post categories, Lego, which has already racked up a slightly impressive 43 posts so far.
In the last thousand posts I've added a Me and Macbeth page detailing my ongoing obsession with the Scottish Play... I've abandoned the Unconscious Mutterings posts, and I haven't made a saunatime post in the last three years.
I still need to find some time to go through and tag a bunch of posts with an "art" tag though... since I do a lot of art related outings.
In news unrelated to my blogging output...
Yesterday was Haircut Day... so once the appointed time rolled around I took myself off to Tink's house for the aforementioned cutting of the hair.
The cutting instructions weren't much different from any of my recent haircuts, beyond the fact that I wanted it slightly blonder and to take the short sides slightly higher up on my head.
And then we just chatted. A bit more of a random chat than usual, but pleasant nevertheless.
I did feel a little guilty earlier in the week when I received a text message the salon letting me know that Tink was working a couple more days a week... and here I am seeing her at home.
Once my colour was in and we were waiting for it to "cook", we ended up half watching Beauty and the Geek... only really because they'd just had the makeover episode and I think the very first episode was on then I was getting my hair cut last time.
It's not really a great surprise to me, since I already know that my tastes run all the way to the nerdy end of the spectrum, but I was definitely crushing on several of the post-makeover nerds.
I do question whether they make the nerds really nerd up for the show though... tell them not to shave or get a haircut, just so that their transformation is all the more dramatic... especially since a couple of them were actually quite attractive after their makeover, whereas beforehand they just looked like stereotypical pop culture nerds in really dated clothes.
It seems to be around this time of the year when suddenly there are a lot of parcels currently winging their way to me.
I came home on Wednesday to find a "you have a parcel" note in my mailbox which I picked up on the way home last night (vinyl toys from Villain, including a couple of add to Ma's Christmas present), then today a book I ordered for Ma for Christmas showed up at work (Dancers Among Us), my present to myself of Christmas underwear is currently on route to me from Aussiebum and I had a sudden craving to buy some mesh shorts, so a pair of those are on their way via Amazon.
Plus I think there are a couple of crowdfunding rewards that are about due to be sent my way, one of which is six dozen handmade marshmallows (they are six different flavours though, which somehow makes it okay), and by the end of the month there should be a new watch, a pair of sunnies and a documentary on the guys who perform inside the monster suits/makeup for the movies on their way.
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