

#photoadaynov #fmsphotoaday

I swear that I only started doing this Photo-A-Day thing about five minutes ago, and look, suddenly it's the end of November and I've got eleven months worth under my belt.

For the most part this month didn't present any particular challenges... I think I only missed one day (Day 22) but caught up with it the following day when I saw the Burger Theory truck. This month also presented an unusual opportunity (Day 14) since I had to go down to Glenelg for a conference, and I took some time beforehand to snap some photos, including one of the jetty.

It was also a light month for Lego... only three photos this month (Days 11, 20 and 23), which brings the grand total for Lego to 40.

The most popular image this month was Day 16... although personally I really liked Days 10, 14 and 20.
  • Day 1: Something beginning with 'c' (C is for chemist)
  • Day 2: Colour
  • Day 3: Breakfast (if I'm being honest, this was "second breakfast" or just "artfully staged for the purposes of Photo-A-Day" breakfast)
  • Day 4: TV
  • Day 5: 5 o’clock (the storm clouds were rolling in at 5pm)
  • Day 6: A favourite thing (Benzo, my favourite street artist)
  • Day 7: Reflection
  • Day 8: Something I do everyday (check out cute guys)
  • Day 9: Small (these little tiny bugs were crawling all over me while I sat in the park)
  • Day 10: Can’t/won’t live without (Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee!)
  • Day 11: Night (I went with the homophone version of this, but I also took the shot of this knight at night)
  • Day 12: Drink (from the La Cantina Co food truck)
  • Day 13: Where I slept
  • Day 14: Man-made (this kinda made me want to live by the beach, it was great wandering along before starting my day)
  • Day 15: In my bag (I've photographed my regular bag a couple of times already, so this time I chose the bag I got from the supermarket)
  • Day 16: The view from my window
  • Day 17: The last thing I bought (bright green drink that tasted a lot better than it looked)
  • Day 18: Happened this weekend (revisiting the old Bond movies before seeing the new one)
  • Day 19: Something awesome (getting artwork and underwear in the mail on the same day)
  • Day 20: Work/play (Little Traveller filling in for me again... but in duplicated form)
  • Day 21: What I wore (this is pretty much what happens every day when I get home, although I generally don't leave it all on the floor)
  • Day 22: Grateful (I'm grateful to food trucks in general, but Burger Theory specifically
  • Day 23: Black (my Lego minifigure bad guys collection... bandit, spaceman, gangster, knight and ninja)
  • Day 24: A sound I heard (this nice lady playing the violin in the Mall)
  • Day 25: Sky
  • Day 26: In the cupboard (I don't really have any photogenic cupboards)
  • Day 27: Tree
  • Day 28: Vehicle (food trucks again)
  • Day 29: Big
  • Day 30: On the wall
And with that we enter the final stretch for 2012... check out the December list!

Current Mood:

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