I'm currently reaching that level of sexual frustration where it's making me a little bit crazy.
And I know I've said it before, but when I get like this I want I start thinking about getting a tattoo... a big, huge tattoo. That and jumping random strangers on public transport.
But at least I understand that part of it. I have no idea where the hell the tattoo part comes from.
I'd like to blame it on the current rash of hot weather... it's been, as they say, "sweaty jockstrap" weather... made worse after it rained quite heavily last night and again this morning. Humidity sucks balls.
But I've had similar outbreaks of this feeling in the depths of winter.
The only thing is to ride out the feeling without doing something stupid or, how should I put this... sexually irresponsible (which mostly consists of sleeping with someone I know I should be sleeping with and wish I hadn't directly afterwards... or sometimes during).
As I said, the weather has been weird over the last week... and doubly so over the past couple of days. Lots of rain, but it's still been really hot...
Then this morning sometime after 4am a thunderstorm rolled across the city and I think it may have perched over my apartment building for a little while, because it woke me up... which is rare in itself.
But because I was awake, I opened the house up to try and cool it down, and I couldn't really go back to sleep with the house wide open... so I've pretty much been awake since then... and I only got to sleep at around 1am... so, yeah...
This afternoon was a little bit of an exercise in not really having the energy to do anything much.
Another reason for the lack of energy this afternoon was probably that I was in a big fat food coma after the first ever Fork on the Road food truck extravaganza.
I ate so much food!
I had a little taco from Taco Cat (tasty, but their service was a little wonky), a mushroom and haloumi burger with pineapple from Veggie Velo, a "Sherbie" drink (apple, pineapple, mint and something else) from Juice Junkies, a couple of spring rolls from a random place and a little peanut butter brownie from Four Seeds which was scrummy.
And I'm glad we all went down early though... because once people started to show up just after noon Victoria Square was busier than I've EVER seen it.
It would be brilliant if we could have that every Friday!
Because of the heat I decided against going to both Magazine Gallery and Espionage for gallery openings this week, but on Monday I did check out Tooth and Nail and it's a great space.
I also got chatting with the people who own the gallery... so that may become a thing... at the very least I'm going to their birthday show in a couple of weeks. And it seems to be the season for it because Espionage is also having their end of year Allstar show around the same time.
So, yeah... that's totally going to end in me buying things.
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