
photo friday: balls in the sand

beach ballsspeedos under the waves

gull prints in sandbeach netting

It's been a... dull week overall.

I'd intended to head out to Tooth and Nail gallery after work and after my chiro appointment this afternoon, but I would either have had to hand around the city for about an hour and a half or turn around as soon as I got home and go straight back into the city.

I'm not sure if the gallery is open on weekends, so I may not get a chance to go and see it.

Speaking of galleries, I spoke with the owner of These Walls Don't Lie on Sunday and arranged to pick up the piece I bought from the Halloween show tomorrow. Woohoo.

As I mentioned, I had my first fortnightly chiro appointment today, but I feel like I've slid back a bit... partly due to going to fortnightly, and partly due, I think, to the fact that I've been feeling "normal", so I stopped paying attention to my body and it's taking it's revenge.

I think I've also been sitting up far much more than previously which probably hasn't helped.

And since there isn't much else to tell beyond the fact that I got the limited edition Transformers teeshirt from Ript Apparel in the mail this week (woohoo)... I think I'm going to take myself off and lie down...

Current Mood:

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