
photo friday: brickworks

sam evans timekeeper two hour face
rundle street jackson outlaw curve
Man it's been a busy week... ten fringe shows down... ten to go.

And I'm so tired... I've nearly been falling asleep on the bus on the way to and from work... and it's not that long a trip!

In fact I came down with a serious case of Fringeitis (or possibly just Fringe Brain) last night. I was sitting at Gluttony waiting for the 5:45pm show to start and I realised that I actually had no idea what I was there to see. I knew I was in the right place at the right time, but I had no idea of the what. It came to me a minute later, but still.

I am very glad I have tonight off though. And Monday. Although I did look at the calendar I have up on the wall at work today and think "oooh, I could add something next Wednesday!". So if anyone has seen anything that they think is truly amazing which is still running next Wednesday, let me know.

Or I could just sleep...

The other thing I love about Fringe time is just seeing all the artists wandering about... especially when they're people you've seen, you know, on the telly or something.

The downside to all this Fringing (and then the associated writing of reviews)... other than the fact that I haven't gone to bed before midnight any night this week... is that my apartment looks like some sort of large animal tromped through it...

I'm gunna have to sort that out either tonight or tomorrow morning.

It's also been a week for parcels.

I had a failed FedEx delivery (which I always hate because they then charge the sender $15 to redeliver it to another address... what the fuck?) which turned out to be one of my Kickstarter rewards.

Then my new sexy Swatch came... in a 3kg Express Post satchel which is about 500 times too big for it... and it wasn't even terribly well packaged... the case broke in transit, although fortunately the watch is fine. I did have a go at repairing it with sticky tape this afternoon and it'll do for now.

And today I got some Mr Sloppy stickers from the Street Dreams crew.

Can I just reiterate... I HAVE MR SLOPPY STICKERS! *squeeeeee*

The very first thing I did was stick one on the lid of my laptop... you know, just to make sure one would fit...

And plans... lots of plans happening this week...

I sorted out my hotel for my trip to see Macbeth at the Opera House in April. I'm staying at a place in The Rocks which we've walked past on our last two trips. And the ticket for the play arrived yesterday which is exciting!

Granted a lot of the other plans are work related and not necessarily all that interesting... but they happened.

Lord I'm tired!

Current Mood:

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