
solid bowerbird saturday

bowerbird bazaar 2012 - a much bigger venue bowerbird bazaar 2012 - red door bakery was very popular
Bowerbird in it's new home and Red Door proving very popular

Ahhhh... the routine of going places and doing things returns with a bang this week.

I have to say though that I really, really hate the last couple of weeks of the extended daylight savings... dawn is happening later and later and coupled with the colder/rainy weather we've had this week it just feels like it's Winter already in the mornings... this morning especially, it was completely dark when I got up and I actually had to put lights on. Me no like!

Everything else about the Saturday Morning Routine was pretty average... if you count the fact that this is probably the first time in about a month I've done a proper shopping trip after a month of only having to worry about a couple of meals a week. So it was a little higher than average. But at least this week I won't get to Wednesday and be completely out of 90% of appropriate food options.

Once we were done with the supermarket portion of the morning and after we'd waited for Ma's iPhone to update itself (which doesn't seem to take long unless you really want to be leaving and then it takes forever) we headed off to Bowerbird Bazaar in it's new home in the Adelaide Showgrounds.

This is our fifth trip to Bowerbird (funny, it really does seem like more), and the first in their new venue.... in a word... WOW. I thought they could pack people into the previous venue, which was kinda tiny... this was a whole new scale of magnitude! Not just the size of the place, or the number of stalls, but the number of people... it felt about as full as the Queens Theatre, but it's about three or four times the size.

There were a lot of old favourites there but a lot of new faces too.

bowerbird 2012 - pretty lamps bowerbird 2012 - laura wills sketch
Some pretty lamps and a Laura Wills sketch I bought

We never really go crazy with buying things... there is a lot of really nice stuff, but some of it is very expensive or neither of us really has the room/the need for it.

But I picked up sketch by Laura Wills that just appealed to me... I'm not really sure why, but there's just something about it.... and a couple of the giant glass marbles from Marble Merchants... one for me and one for Ma's birthday... and some cards from One Hectare...

Ma bought a couple of other bits and pieces... some jewellery for gifts for Christmas, and some cards from a couple of different places that escape me right now.

Then, once we'd pretty much walked our feet off (note to self, next time wear the COMFORTABLE shoes, not the STYLISH shoes), I went to one end of the building to get us some drinks from Juice Junkies and Ma went to the other end to get us some very nummy noshables from Red Door Bakery.

For the record... their Berkshire Free range Pork and Sage Sausage Roll, greasy but fabulous... their salted caramel brick thing, so wrong but so right.

Once we'd finished that we did what was possibly our sixth or seventh lap of the building and called it quits.

Then we went down the road to the Haighs factory to do our Easter shopping... well, Ma did her Easter shopping for me... they were sold out of what I wanted for her, so I'll have to try one or both of the stores in town this week.

And that's pretty much that... a good, solid Saturday really...

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