
the wednesday thought process

laurent coffee culture
Would you believe these were taken within seconds of each other... I saw the gorgeous frontage for the Laurent patisserie, took the shot, kept walking past and the empty latte glass on the windowsill caught my eye. The contrast is pretty much Melbourne in a nutshell...

You know what... I've haven't had a crappier couple of weeks for my routine for a long while... since I busted my knee probably. I keep oversleeping in the mornings... it's not that I don't want to go for my walk, but I turn off my alarm and lay back down and the next thing I know it's half an hour later and going for an hour long walk just isn't practical.

Of course this week it's doubly unappealing because it's cold and horrible out there... plus it's gone back to being dark first thing thanks to stupid early Daylight Savings.

The oversleeping thing is all my own fault though... as I've mentioned on any number of previous occasions, I've become surgically attached to Beast. It used to be that I'd come home, fiddle around online, do everything I needed to do and then remove myself to the living room and do other things (which, yes, involved sitting in front of a different kind of screen, but still). I can honestly say that I haven't sunk my ass into my little red sofa since we got back from Melbourne.

I'm making myself a promise... tonight, I'm going to unhook myself from the laptop once I've finished this and sit on the sofa and not multitask for at least part of the evening.

It probably hasn't helped that I've been watching some teevee on the laptop too... not only is the ABC's iView not counted against the download limit on my ISP (although I haven't succumbed to watching Torchwood yet, just random stuff while I'm cooking dinner), but I started watching True Blood in bed on Saturday night. And I've watched an episode every night since (not tonight though).

The funny thing is that while I'm kinda enjoying it (I just got the second half of the first season from Sugarmonkey this morning)... it's also a big whack of "been there, seen that". And had it not been for the introduction of Eric in the episode I watched last night (who I know becomes a major character later on) I would have been highly critical of the quality of the male vampires. I mean, seriously, the guy who plays Bill is a trainwreck. They would have been much better off swapping the roles of him and the guy who owns the bar. Anyway, luckily Ryan Kwanten keeps taking most of his clothes off on a regular basis, so I can't complain that much.

All of this is kind of a self fulfilling problem though... because I end up staying up later than I should be fiddling around on the Beast after watching said teevee shows, then don't want to get up in the morning, which throws my body clock that little bit more out of whack so I end up staying up later...


I've had something of a m'eh day... I don't know why exactly, but I felt decidedly flat for the majority of the afternoon.

Of course the perfect thing to happen when you're having a m'eh kind of day is a fire drill... walking down eight floors, standing around in the cold outside and then walking back up 8 floors (hey, it's quicker than waiting for the lift... and I did miss my exercise this morning). Pffft...

And tomorrow H-San goes on leave for three weeks... which means that the universe should implode around the middle of next week.

Current Mood:

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