
cookie needing saturday

completely inappropriate but hot shopping attireYou know those days when you just need a cookie... well today was one of those days! Not a literal cookie so much as a metaphorical "I'm sure my blood sugar has dropped through the floor because I'm just cranky for no reason" cookie...

So... yeah...

It just seemed like everywhere I went people were going out of their ways to ensure that they got INTO my way... grrrr...

As far as the shopping side of things went, we did the usual Supermarket Safari, although it was Safari Lite today for whatever reason... I didn't end up picking up very much stuff at all.

Then once all the usual stuff was over and done with, we took ourselves off to Marion. That was when I really needed a cookie...

I also couldn't find a watch I really liked. And of course Ma found another watch on the same stall, so that just annoyed me. There were probably a few watches I could have settled with, but I don't want to just settle... I want a watch I like. In short, I want my old watch.

I've also been feeling kinda weird all day... and last night a little bit too. It's almost a "had too much coffee" feeling, but not really... I really have no idea what's going on with me.

On the plus side, I did manage to track down a couple of new teeshirts... although now I REALLY need to go through my wardrobe and get rid of some stuff, otherwise they're never going to fit. But that was about the sum total of my purchasing. I kept picking things up and then putting them back... like the first and last seasons of Will & Grace... they were on sale, but I was still all "m'eh" about them.

When we finished wandering aimlessly around Marion, and I'd had a figurative cookie (it was actually a muffin and a milkshake), we headed home again, although we did stop off at The Christmas Shop on the way back... I swear that store is dangerous, and they really need a whole heap more store or a heap less stuff.

Nothing new in the toy soldier oeuvre though... or nothing that I wanted at any rate.

So, yeah... other than the fact that I really do need a different kind of product for my hair, otherwise it's never going to conform to the plan Tink and I devised yesterday, it's a fairly average Saturday.

Now I think it's time for some dinner...

Current Mood:

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