
unconscious mutterings 352

I have had a shitty day... partly of my own making (particularly this afternoon), but shitty nevertheless...

If I was a drinking man, I'd be breaking out the tequila about now... sadly (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), I'm really not... on the upside, I also don't have any chocolate in the house...

Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Redskins :: Lollies
  2. Show :: Off
  3. Smoker :: Bad
  4. Bad movie :: Anything by Jean Claude Van Damme or Adam Sandler
  5. Play :: School
  6. Jaguar :: Zao (it's a Bond thing)
  7. Click :: Here
  8. Production :: Company
  9. Sand :: In My Shorts
  10. Foreign :: Legion

Current Mood:

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