
slightly swedish saturday

it's the ikeaGuess where we went today... yeah, not exactly a brainteaser is it...

It is kinda disturbing to think that this time last week we were wandering down Chapel Street (or possibly on the bus coming back from there).

But all the same it was kinda nice to get back to my routine, as dull as it may be. So we did the usual things... supermarket, Red Circle (I got a fairly nice shirt there too... it's all brown and slightly military inspired, and was on special), the Honey Man and back here for unpacking and suchlike.

Actually the unpacking part took much longer than usual because I set Ma up in front of the laptop and let her go through all my Melbourne photos. I really need to go through them again myself, do some editing and whatnot... and I've been half considering setting up a Flickr account, but then that's something else I have to deal with... and I spend too much time in front of the laptop at the moment as it is *grin*.

When we eventually did get our act together and head out, we decided on the aforementioned Ikea because Ma wanted to get some frames for the things we got at the two art markets last Sunday.

I swear they put something in the air-conditioning system in that store though... I spent about $60... and I'm not even completely sure what I bought (okay, that's a fib... but the only thing I bought that I really, really, really needed were more coathangers).

I did pick up a double frame for two of the black and white Matt Irwin postcards we got at St Kilda (Ghost Tram and Light Consideration)... they look pretty good, even though the matt in the Ikea frame was cut by somebody with no concept of straight lines.

I also picked up a couple of little bags that are supposed to be for cables and whatnot, and they actually work pretty well for all my laptop cables... although it will need the second smaller one for the powercord. They're much smaller than the bag I was using though, so I still come out ahead.

The other thing I need to remember is that, for the most part, the food at Ikea is kinda crap.

So, yeah... we went to Ikea... I bought coathangers and a frame and cable bags and a clear plastic container that's supposed to be for the fridge and a little sandwich tray thing and a Billy bookend in the shape of a B (I have no idea why really other than the fact it was cute) and some Ikea chocolate (because that stuff isn't bad) and a couple of cans of the pear cider stuff (which isn't bad either). I also looked at some of the computer tables since I'm half considering getting rid of my bedside cabinet and chest of drawers and replacing them with something more appropriate. But I've been thinking that for some time and it's never eventuated... so I'm not holding my breath.

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James said...

Slightly Swedish Saturday? Sounds like one of my posts!! :)

yani said...

Yeah I was thinking that when I named it... and I always think of you when I'm in Ikea now... if only so that I'd have somebody to tell me what all the stupid product names mean :)