Just some rather random Friday thoughts...
Do straight boys (well, I'm assuming most of them are straight) wear any other kind of underwear than Bonds? I swear, every time in the last couple of weeks that I see a guy's underwear poking up over the top of his pants, the waistband has the distinctive Bonds elastic. Or is it just that Bonds underwear sits higher on the hips than other brands?
Not that I'm complaining...
It's going to be a long three weeks at work I think... today was our first day with H-San and it was all eerily quiet... just me and Sugarmonkey really (at least in our little pod). Whether there's some additional work-appropriate bonding that will happen while we're on our own or not we'll have to wait and see.
Thankfully I managed to put a project to bed today that's been hanging around for a while... although I think I'm going to have to review it one more time on Monday just to make sure I got everything right. It does mean that I've opened up a particular can of worms because now I'm going to have to go back through some other documents I've already finished and make sure they now mesh with the new one... *sigh*... it also looks like I'm going to end up doing some stuff from home each weekend that H-San is away... nothing arduous, I just need to set a process in motion.
Why is it that a thirteen year old movie costs more than one that came out this year? I happened across Beautiful Thing while I was at lunch today and it was $30... it's not even like there are any special features on it... it's just the movie. Annoyingly it wouldn't be cheaper to order it online.
Speaking of online, I upgraded my ADSL yesterday... doubled my download limit for just $10 a month more... seems fair really...
And that's about it really... like I said, it's been something of a quiet day...
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