
first day back

fortunately my desk didn't look anything like thisWell hopefully the first day back is the hardest...

It wasn't a bad day... in fact it pretty much flew along... but then I did spend about half of it going through all the emails.

It was much harder to drag my butt out of bed first thing this morning and take myself off on my walk... especially with the whole post Daylight Savings thing... it's bloody dark and cold out there...

I'm still a little bit all over the place though... my routine is shot to shit... I really don't have that much food stuff in the house (well, fresh stuff, I have a cupboard full of crap, but I can't be bothered making anything with it)... and, not to put too fine a point on it, after a set of lost opportunities in Melbourne I'm horny as fuck.

So, yeah... my brain isn't really working on some of the higher levels for a multitude of reasons right now...

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