Oy vey... roll on the cool change. I think it's coming along as we speak, but then it's going to be the problem of trying to get the cool outside air in and the hot inside air out... we'll get there though...
Like last weekend, we spent the majority of today going from place to place attempting to stay as cool as humanly possible for as long as possible...
Oddly enough though, except for the usual Supermarket Safari this morning, everywhere else we went was hotter than I would have expected. Whether it was because their aircon systems weren't coping with the heat, or they'd really heated up overnight and the aircon couldn't cope, or what I don't know... but it was definitely not what I was looking forward to.
So yeah... Supermarket Safari went about the same as usual... except that we were a little bit earlier than usual, and for some reason (the heat, obviously) there were 1800 old people all up in my space the whole time... grrr... but we made it out of there without me having to fold any old ladies up and cram them into their trolleys... and any day where that doesn't have to happen is a good day!
Then after a rather sweaty Unpacking, we got in my lovely, lovely airconditioned car (oh how I love thee) and trundled off down to Marion, to seek shelter in the airconditioned bosom of shopping related airconditioned goodness...
But alas, I've already spoiled the end of the story, and that was not to be. It's not to say that there was NO aircon, but it wasn't that instant rush of "ahhhhhhhhh" you get when you walk from the manky exterior air to the sweet, cool interior... it was more like "ahhhhh... eh, what?".
It was almost like the main mall aircons were only working at about half power, and most of the cool air was being blown out by various shops who were on a different system. Weirdness...
Anyway, we did the usual circular shuffle around Marion, went into the store where we bought Ma's parasol... because I picked one that we hadn't opened and closed half a million times, naturally, the one I did pick up won't actually open and close when it gets hot... typical. The funny thing though was that the chick we spoke to in the store (we didn't take the parasol with us, but we figured we could go and ask about the whole return thing since we were there) not only remembered us, but actually remembered the colour of parasol we bought... which I could chalk up to them not having sold a hell of a lot of them, but I think somehow it was probably because she caught the Ma and Yani Travelling Show... hehehe...
After Marion we toddled off to Ikea in search of more airconditioned time wastage... and, obviously, less of it was to be found. I kind of understand it there, they don't have an actual ceiling, and the building is coated in a tin shell (or is tin, I dunno), but it still wasn't so pleasant.
Oh, and I went into the parking lot from a different direction (on purpose), but it also involved heading "into" the airport, but I took the wrong lane and ended up in front of the parking boom gates, so I had to drive the wrong way down this bit of road and then take the long way back... all very stressful and stupid...
We did the usual wander in the Land of the Hurgengurgen (I made that up, obviously, although it wouldn't surprise me if that was an actual Ikea product)... I ummed and ahhhed about the chair I kinda like (again), we bought some stuff we probably didn't really need (that's the whole point of Ikea, though, right?) and then wandered out to face the world.
Fortunately there was some air movement when we came out, and some more when we got back here, which is why I opened the house up... but I'm still sitting here sweating like a piglet (partially because I only have one fan with me, partially because I'm in the bedroom)... but there is the occasional cool gust from places other than my cooler...
Roll on tomorrow, that's what I say!
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