
montage monday: marion street art

marion street artSo obviously after the photo excursion there has to be the Monday Montage... behold the colourful abstractness...

You know what, as much fun as random scruffage is, I always tend to find that after the more enthusiastic or adventurous sessions that I'm sore in places I obviously don't use that much (get your minds out of the gutter)... presently it's kind of in my triceps and dorsls (I'm just guessing, I looked up the muscles of the back and that sounded about right)... all stiff and sore. The sign of good scruffage I guess, you should remember it for days afterwards...

Although there was that bit of fence climbing yesterday that probably didn't help...

The Torrens is on the mend... they've scooped out a vast amount of the trash/bikes/trolleys (at least in the section between the King William and Morphett Street bridges)... and as I mentioned on Saturday, they did indeed extract the car... turns out it went missing from a car yard a decade ago... which kinda tells you how long it's been since the river was really drained (although I kinda thought it had happened more recently than that... maybe it's never been drained to quite this level before). Amongst some of the other stuff they found was a silencer... because, you know, we're big with the mafia here in Adelaide *rolls eyes*. But the river itself is doing what it's supposed to do... it's slowly being refilled by some combination of the rest of the river upstream (I assume), and groundwater... now I didn't quite understand the whole "groundwater" concept, but I saw it in action this morning... just water trickling out of the mud and down into the river. Weird, but kinda cool.

My external hard drive is obviously still not well... I plugged it in a little while ago and it seemed "dead"... no vibrations or general electronic humming, although the power light was on... but I thought it might just be playing possum, so I left it there, not plugged into the computer, just the power, and eventually it woke up and made with the electronic vibrations. Possibly this means that I will need to invest in another one, especially because it didn't seem to like the different USB port I plugged it into when it did finally come back to live this afternoon, and I think I'm starting to run out of ports I haven't tried it in. On the upside, at least it's currently working, even if it's all wonky and falling to bits like every other piece of technology I own.

I've also got a bunch of other thoughts rolling around in my head, but none of them are formed enough to make a whole coherent sentence (other than the fact that it needs to be haircut day soon) so I think we might leave it there...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Victor said...

At least they didn't find the bodies of any gay men in the dry bed. Wasn't the River Torrens where bashers in the past attacked and in some cases murdered cruising gay men?