

blue elephant fox and duckOkay... I'm bored...

I've officially been "unemployed" for two days, and already I'm bored with it.

I think part of the problem is that it's too hot (still... roll on Sunday and the cool change) to really do anything. And it's even kinda too hot to do nothing at all. So I'm bored.

Which also means that I'm out of ideas for blogging, because I haven't done anything.

And either the Mortein Fly Killer spray that I have doesn't do a damn thing or there is some sort of mutant, spray resistant fly in my apartment, because I swear I've sprayed the thing about a dozen times and it just won't die. It also won't leave my feet alone first thing in the morning and early in the evening. Stoopid foot fetish fly...

See, that's how bored I am... I'm blogging about a fly for fucksake...

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Anonymous said...

Lucky you - I hate my job & it took me 2 and a half hours to travel 8 miles to work in the bloody snow today - swap you an Aussie summer for a Scottish winter! xx

yani said...

See, you can keep the job you hate and you can keep the time/distance equation (I assume that's bad, I have no concept of distance, even when it's in kilometres)... but I'll happily swap you our heatwave for your cold snap... so long as I can stay inside where it's nice and warm.