
valentine's day shopping

valentine's day chanceNow let me just be clear... today was shopping that happened to be on Valentine's Day... not in any way shopping FOR Valentine's Day... because, really... pffffft...

Also, we're solidly in that whole "post Christmas, pre anything interesting" stage of the year when we kind of don't quite know what to do with ourselves on a Saturday... or at least we kind of were today.

We started, as always, with the Supermarket Safari... and you know what, it's kinda sad that it's a highlight when you get a checkout chick who can actually pack things appropriately... and I always know when they're doing a good job, because Ma isn't repacking the stuff as they go, or taking over...

After our usual wanderings around the place, we took a little detour down by the Torrens so that Ma could see the "disaster zone", although we never stopped the car and got out or anything... and we also took another detour past there on the way home and it looks like they've gotten in there and pulled the car out of the mud... how, I have no idea (although there were about three tow trucks there from what I could see)... but I'm sure there will be something in the paper about it tomorrow.

Since we really didn't know what else we wanted to do, we headed down to Marion for the second week running, mostly so that we could return Ma's parasol... and of course, because we'd been in last week and seen the girlie who served us and remembered us... she wasn't there this week. But even so we changed over the parasol with no problems... woohoo (okay, not really woohoo, but this gives you a feel for about how exciting my day was)...

Other than that we didn't do a whole hell of a lot... looked at DVDs as usual, wandered about, then decided to head off.

And there's nothing quite like being able to play Good Samaritan and offer somebody the car park you're about to vacate (before you even get to the car)... particularly when the person in question is SMOKING HOT, driving around without a shirt on and may possibly have been involved in skating or BMX or some other "urban youth" past-time (going off the stickers on his little van). Seriously, the guy was highly spankable...

After that we stopped off at one of those slightly dodgy "discount importer" places on the way home... lots of questionable merchandise of indeterminate overseas origin. A few halfway interesting things, but nothing that really got me fired up.

Our final stop, mostly for shits and giggles and because until recently I didn't realise that there was one near me, was the Rite Price Grocery Clearance Store, which is about as interesting as it sounds... lots of stuff that's technically past it's "best before" date, but still fine and a lot of 4 for $2 action. A good place for picking up some cut price munchies, but a little dodgy otherwise.

And that, as they say, was that... nothing of great interest or importance, that was just the day that was...

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