
tuesday stuff

blue break lust angelNo movie tonight... it should have been movie night, but there honestly wasn't anything on that we either hadn't seen or wanted to see (or wanted to see that I hadn't heard was crap)... so we didn't do the movie thing. Ma did come down anyway though, because it was Shrove Tuesday... which of course means that it's Pancake Day... woohoo... gotta love some tasty pancake action!

And you just have to make the batter first thing in the morning, and let it sit in the fridge all day so it "matures". I will also say that I love and adore the fry pan that I bought just after Christmas... go Teflon! The pancakes (well, crepes actually) slid out of the thing like butter... and we didn't even have the mangled first one like we usually do...

So yeah... we watched some teevee (Time Team, CSI from Sunday night and Doctor Who) and then Ma toddled off home.

I'm just about to go and watch the Harvey Milk documentary on SBS, which should be good...

Current Mood:

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