

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap on 2012 for Photo A Day!
It's been a hell of a year of photos... I actually still remember first seeing this "Photo A Day" thing pop up on Instagram and then having to produce my first four photos all in the one day to catch myself up.

And looking back through the previous months, I can pretty much remember the taking of every photo for the year.

I struggled with some of the photos at the beginning and end of this month though (especially days 3, 6, 10, 18, 23 and 29... 29 was a day late because nothing occurred to me until it was too late), but I feel like I mostly found a groove from about Day 14 to Day 22.

Day 14 also turned out to be the most popular photo of the month (it's amazing what you can do with some green cardboard), as well as my second most popular image of all time.

There were 6 Lego related photos for the month (Days 4, 14, 19, 23, 27 and 30), bringing the total Lego Photo A Day photos up to 46, which is an average of just under 4 a month.

My personal favourite image of the month has to be Day 19, just because I put a bunch of effort into the planning and set up of the shot, although I do like a number of the shots from the middle of the month that are just strong, solid colour photos (Days 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22).
  • Day 1: 8 o’clock (on a Saturday at 8am, you'll find me in the supermarket)
  • Day 2: Peace
  • Day 3: Something I held
  • Day 4: Black + white
  • Day 5: Looking up (the Victoria Square Christmas tree)
  • Day 6: From where I live (the Central Market is pretty iconic to my city)
  • Day 7: Stars
  • Day 8: Someone I love (with the bunny standing in for Ma)
  • Day 9: Out + about
  • Day 10: Under (the Merry Go Round under the Gawler Place pagola)
  • Day 11: Sweet
  • Day 12: Hat
  • Day 13: Lights (the neon sign of a tattoo parlour)
  • Day 14: Something green
  • Day 15: Outdoors
  • Day 16: Something I made (Christmas goodies with Ma)
  • Day 17: On the floor
  • Day 18: Makes me feel merry (Ultra Lounge Christmas carols)
  • Day 19: Something beginning with 's' (I can actually count 8 things...)
  • Day 20: Weather (clear blue skies do not make for interesting weather photos)
  • Day 21: Tree
  • Day 22: Decoration (the ribbon for Ma's presents)
  • Day 23: Joy is... (giving thoughtful gifts to the people you love)
  • Day 24: Tradition/something I always do (get pizza on Christmas Eve)
  • Day 25: Lunchtime
  • Day 26: Mess (not really a mess, but it's taking up space)
  • Day 27: How I relax (I relaxed for eight straight hours making this)
  • Day 28: Cold (yummy Loca Pop!)
  • Day 29: Hot
  • Day 30: Something that made me smile this year
  • Day 31: Self-portrait (just me and my monkeyfeet)
I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to take part in the 2013 edition of Photo A Day (I guess I have another 24 hours before I have to make a definite decision)... but the list is on FatMumSlim's website, as always.

Current Mood:

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