
photo friday: lego santa

lego santa
Let's be naughty and save Santa the trip.

The week before Christmas is always a funny old week...

Work either feels super busy because you're trying to finish everything or you end up twiddling your thumbs (for the record, I've very much had a whole week full of the latter... but at least I got a few bits of writing done and had the chance to tidy up my desk)...

And all the shops are insane... you start doing things list ordering a 2kg box of cherries from the fruit and veg shop and croissants from Bakers Delight to be picked up on Christmas Eve...

But then finally it's your last day of work before Christmas and that's always a good feeling.

Although I do tend to forget how straight guys hug... so saying goodbye to a couple of my workmates was a little weird. Not really awkward, but there was that fraction of a second after the hug started where I was like "oh yeah... straight guy hug"... but it amused me more than anything.

I also had my pre-Christmas haircut yesterday which was fun... as usual Tink and I chatted our way through the whole thing... in fact I think there may have been more chatting than haircutting, since I ended up just hanging out until about 10pm talking about movies and Fringe shows and baby names and goodness only knows what else.

In fact at one point I suddenly remembered that I still had the colour in my hair but we'd been talking and talking and talking for what seemed like a really long time and I did wonder if my hair was overcooking. Fortunately Tink was paying more attention than I had been.

And because I'd only had my hair cut and coloured a month ago I still had quite a bit of colour left so this time the blonde is probably a lot blonder than it's been for a good long while. But it's a good, proper blonde and a good Summer colour, so I was happy with that.

As well as being my last working day before Christmas, today was also the second Fork on the Road event, this time in Hindmarsh Square.

I have to say that I think it actually works better in Hindmarsh Square. Possibly because the large truck vendors were arranged around the outside of the square rather than being in the middle of the space like they were in Victoria Square... so the whole thing felt more enclosed, and the square seemed to have more spaces to sit in the shade.

A bunch of The Nut House all went down pretty much together and after checking the vendors that were supposed to be there a number of us had set our hearts on trying America's Top Dog for some tasty hot dog action. So you can imagine our disappointment when it turned out that they weren't there.

Sad panda!

Like last time I wanted to try as many different things as I could, so I started with a cup of sangria and the Flamenco Roll from The Food Cart Company aka Taste of Spain... that was then followed up by a little taco from Los Compadres, then another from Tacocat (both chicken... but I still think that the chicken tacos from La Cantina Co are the best).

Then it was time to switch to dessert! I started off with a Plum Pudding ice block from Loca Pops... And DAMN it was good... mostly plum but with almond and orange peel and Christmas pudding spices, it made me think I was eating cold, fruity Christmas pudding. So yummy!

I was pretty much done at that point but I picked up some Iced Coffee Brownies from Four Seeds and a range of macarons from The Macaron Man (I'm enjoying the peanut butter one as we speak).

I do hope that they continue doing them, it's a great thing, although it would be even better if some of the trucks hit the streets regularly too.

I also called into Espionage Gallery to pick up the artwork I bought last week and Joshua told me that they've cancelled Outpost 2013 in Sydney. Which is a totally expletive given that we opted not to go to Sydney for Sculpture by the Sea this year so that we could have more money to spend on a trip in April.

I think we should still do a trip in April, although I'm not sure what, if anything, will be on at the time... but even if there's nothing special happening it'll be nice to do a trip at a different time of the year.

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