This is Ma's 2013 calendar... given that we didn't go on a trip this year (not counting the short weekend trip to Melbourne in February) and the fact that she has a thing about sailboats, and masts in particular (I'm so not going to even try to work out what that's about), I decided to go with a seaside/beach/boats themed calendar of existing photos.
The cover image is one of Store's lovely ladies... the mermaid down at Glenelg.
And yes, I did get all pretentious and French with the title... I don't even care if it's correct French... "Au bord de la mer" sounds more interesting that "Seaside".
Today was the day for printing the calendar and getting it bound... which set into motion the following dot points...
- I had to leave myself a note inside the calendar Photoshop file to adjust things so that I can print it edge to edge without any problems... it isn't quite the right size so things end up close to the edge and cropped weirdly.
- Sunday staff are generally a little bit rubbish... staff who only work over Christmas are often a little bit rubbish. Sunday staff who only work over Christmas... you can see where I'm going with this, right?
- Thank you Target for having very large shiny red gift boxes for low, low, low prices. That's the wrapping for Ma's art related presents solved! Although having Santa wandering around the store occasionally wringing a big ass bell is a little creepy... I can imagine it would be even worse if he was doing it when there was hardly anybody in the store...
- I need to remember that the only viable time to go to Officeworks this close to Christmas is when they open... which this year was 9am (I assumed it was 11am, but I was running late even for that).
- I should also write down exactly what kind of binding I want so that I can just rattle it off in store... I think this year the number of people threw me a little... but it's a clear plastic cover, white wire binding (that's usually the bit I get wrong or have to check) and a cardboard backing in an appropriate colour.
- One of the few things I like about Summer is that guys wear a minimal amount of clothing and then go out in public. This is doubly good when it's a sporting uniform.
- Officeworks is like catnip to me... I find myself wanting to buy things I don't really need just because they're pretty and useful and there.
- I did end up buying a new case for my netbook and some grey card for a photography background.
- It shouldn't be strange to see guys from Grindr at my supermarket... especially since the gym moved in upstairs, but somehow it still is... and dude, I know you say you're tall in your profile, but DAMN!
Now I know it's a little bit warm, but what I really need is someone to come and cuddle up on my bed with me while we watch Christmas movies...
Current Mood:

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