
bargaination shopping saturday

i shot this essentially blind... no sunglasses, lots of sun...Given the photo that accompanies this post, it's not really any surprise where we ended up today...

In fact it was very much the day of shopping for bargainage...

Well, once the Usual Shopping Routine was over.

I possibly need to go through my food cupboards and throw some stuff out though... there's way too much shit in there I'm probably not going to use.

And currently way too much stuff on the counter top because it won't fit in the cupboards.

I also had a craving for Toona Noodle Doo while we were shopping, so hopefully I have some celery soup in the back of the cupboard...


Once we were done with the Usual Stuff, we headed down to Ikea. By happy coincidence this took us very, very far away from the Bogan 500 currently polluting the air with stupid car noise.

I also very nearly bought my dream set of Billy bookcases... because I've essentially run of of both DVD and tchotchka storage space (plus books, but I'm buying a lot less books than I used to). My one fear thought is that I'll end up filling the whole entire thing with books and DVDs and not have any room for decorative stuff... or add in the decorative stuff and not have any room for more DVDs or all my books...

It's a puzzle.

So as we wandered around I wrote down all the stupid little codes for all the bits of random bookcasery that I would need...

Ma picked up a couple of things, and I did end up getting the Lack coffee table which was marked down to half price (woohoo... and in the colour I want too)... I'm going to use it as a teevee stand, since none of the ones I like are narrow enough to fit in the space.

Obviously though, I didn't end up getting the bookcases... it's one of those chicken and egg things I think. I need to make the decision that I'm going to do everything I need to do with both the old and new bookcases... then I need to buy the bookcases... then I need to pack everything up... then I need to organise for the old bookcases to be given to the right people... then I need to have the new bookcases there... and so forth. Part of me thinks that if I had the bookcases in the house, then it would spur me on to do all the other things... but I also need to know I'm ready to do all the other things before I buy the bookcases...


Anyway, once we were finished in the Land of Swedish Meatballs, we headed over to Harbor Town since it's just around the corner. No real reason... just because.

Mostly there was a lot of Wandering Around Looking At Stuff (or more truthfully Wandering Past Stuff There's No Point In Looking At)... but we did browse in the new Typo store and discovered that the perfume place had Ma's Harajuku Lovers perfume on special... as well as having the full set of little bottles of the new version... so I bought that for either her birthday or Christmas... not sure yet.

It was also nice sending Ma home reasonably early in the afternoon given that we've had Fringe shows to go to the last two Saturdays...

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