Two are from Melbourne, one is from Bondi and one is from Hindley Street...
Also, when did Blogger stop the images behaving the way they've behaved for some time now? Maybe it was when I upgraded to Firefox 4 this week... I really have no idea...
Anyway... I'm not a happy little bunny at the moment. On occasion one or other of my ears gets blocked, but usually it resolves itself with a minimum of fuss a few days later... this unfortunately is not one of those times. It got so painful that I had to go and see the doctor... and given that the last time I went to the doctor was June 2009, you kinda get an idea of how bad it was.
The downside of that is that I really, really dislike my doctor. But since I've only needed him twice in about twenty months, I'm not sure I can be bothered going to find a new one. But I might... because there's something about this one that just feels like he's a little bit stuck up or something. And I'm not sure if it's that I don't explain myself properly or he just doesn't listen or pay attention.
And there's nothing to make you feel like a well rounded, confident, urbane human being than holding a kidney bowl up to the side of your head while someone approaches you with an enormous metal syringe filled with warm water.
But essentially my ear which was blocked and occasionally painful is now blocked and occasionally much more painful than it was before... and it cost me $110 (okay, about $40 with the rebate). Plus another $75 for two lots of medication which so far hasn't seemed to do a damn thing but half of it has aided in the "more painful" part of the process.
When I got up this morning it was fairly painful, but I had some stuff I wanted to do at work, so I went in... and fortunately it settled down once I got there, only to flair up again when I got home.
Fucking bollocky shit!
So I think there will be no small amount of curling up in my chair with some sort of blankie tonight and a small degree of sulking...
Current Mood:

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