
photo friday: skater

skater on bowlIt seems that for whatever reason, I've been crossing paths with a large number of skaters this week... so I thought it would be fitting to delve into my photo archives and feature something from the one and only photoshoot I've ever done with a skater...

There's something about this shot I love, even though you can't see his skateboard...

I would have liked to work with him again though... but it never eventuated.

Thoughts from today...
  • Anyone with a pulse and a Twitter account should have known I made soup from Pink's tweeted recipe on Tuesday night... not only was it incredibly tasty, but if I didn't want to save some to give to Ma, it would essentially have fed me for the rest of the week... had things with it the last two days, but very worthwhile...
  • When did Balfour's pies become bland and tasteless? I'm sure they used to be tasty... or have I just had too many good quality ones to settle for second best...
  • I WINZ! H-San has after seemingly unattainable large packets of Samboy Chicken Chips... and like any good flunkies/competing bastards, Sugarmonkey and I have been competing (somewhat) to see who could find said large packets, hence ensuring bragging rights until you do something stupid... and tonight I found them in my supermarket...
  • It's entirely possible that I walked past my first teenage fuckbuddy (as in we were both teenagers at the time) today at lunch... right height, similar build, but the face was much more mature... coulda been him though...
  • Am I the only person not familiar with the phrase "blows goats"?
  • My feet are cold...
Current Mood:

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