We did the usual supermarket thing this morning... no big surprise there.
Except Grindr Supermarket Guy was right there at the front of the store and it was impossible to avoid him... not that it was an issue, I said hi, he said hi, we had a moment of eye contact, that was about it.
Sadly his pants were slightly too baggy for me to really check out his ass as I walked past him.
He's slightly cuter than I was remembering him I think... which is pretty much a guarantee that beyond seeing him at the supermarket every week I'll never hear from him again. Had I decided I wasn't interested, I wouldn't have been able to get rid of him.
Anyway... we finished the shopping portion of the morning, and the unpacking and whatnot and then headed into the city to check out the Moonta Street Markets in Chinatown. We actually got there a little too early, and there were only about ten slightly pointless looking stalls, so we decided to take a wander.
We ended up wandering from the Central Markets almost all the way down to North Terrace to check out the street art that I blogged about the other week.
The Jam Factory was also having an open day... actually kind of two open days... one at the actual Jam Factory and a "Meet the Makers" event at The Old Queens Theatre. This was the last minute plan part of the day... which turned into A Very Good Idea.
The Makers Market wasn't that great... yeah, there was a bunch of stuff, but almost all of it was stuff we've seen at other markets. So we didn't spend very much time there... just one circuit of the stalls.
Then we headed over to the Jam Factory... I fully expected that we wouldn't spend that much time there but it ended up being the main thing we did.
First we hung around in the shop area watching a woman throw a massive porcelain pot. Other people came and went as the pot progressed but we stuck it out and watched the whole thing come together. It was really interesting actually, especially given the number of times I thought the pot was seconds away from spiralling out of control.
From there we went up to the glass studio viewing area and watching some very attractive guys making some very attractive glassware. It was interesting to see them all work as one big team to bring multiple copies of the same piece to life... one guy seemed to be the lead guy, he was in charge of properly shaping the pieces, then there was a guy who was in charge of finishing them off, and they both had assistants, then there was the guy who was prepping the tubes.
They were a well oiled machine... and it was a little bit hypnotic, I'm not actually sure how many of the bottles we watched them make, but it was quite a few. And I very nearly bought one of the bottles, except they were really expensive... gorgeous though.
Then we wandered through the rest of the Jam Factory, having a good look around, checking out the work by various artists, stopping to chat with some, until eventually we were all done.
We then hiked back up to the Central Market, checked out the Moonta Street Market very briefly (and by "checked out" I mean walked past everything once), grabbed something to eat really quick from the market and then called it a day.
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