Not that it was all that adventurous to be honest.
We did the usual routine, wandered around the supermarket but that was about it before we came back to my place.
And I unpacked while Ma wandered down the street to grab a coffee... which I think may be the default routine now that Winter is on the way.
After I'd flicked through the paper, we headed off to Bowerbird Bazaar.
We got there nice and early, early enough in fact that the doors weren't open although there were still a number of people milling around. Early is definitely the way to go though, since we still managed to have a good look around before the crowds really started to descend.
Even at it's worst, it was still better than last time.
I ended up picking up a few things...
My ongoing obsession with black and white art continued with a print of Parade Onwards by Hannakin. But what's not to love about a flamingo in a hat!
Also on a art theme, I stopped and chatted briefly with Dan Withey... I now kinda get why his art is so bright and bold... he's very much that way himself, and seems really sweet.
One of the new exhibitors was Stonemen who make really cool underwear printed with great photo images. I decided on the Forest briefs and the Eagle trunks... hopefully they'll fit alright, but they look really good.
I also stopped off at Temono, not to buy anything, but to get them to stamp an ampersand on the two bracelets I bought to replace the one that broke. When I mentioned that my previous bracelet broke they suggested that I could send it back and they'd fix it for me... which is sweet, however I'm not sure I'm going to bother, only because it was smaller than these ones and was perhaps a little too tight.
When I saw the mini version of the goldfish mobile at Bearwoods, I had to grab it... I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do with it, although the girl on the stall did say that she has one hanging from the rear vision mirror of her car, so that's definitely an option.
During high school, I made a chunky version of the Stix for Cooks from Sands Made... but Ma kept it when I moved out, and I did make it some mumblemumble years ago... so even that one is a little bit worse for wear. It should also replace the crappy stirrer I currently have nicely.
On the way down to Bowerbird Ma and I had been having a conversation about her birthday and the fact that I don't think I actually have any presents for her yet... so when I checked out the ye olde typewriter key jewellery at Tick Tock Type (and the fact that Ma was wearing her typewriter typebar necklace), it seemed like a good present. She picked out a couple that she liked and then wandered off... and I'd almost made a decision but then the woman pulled out a bunch of different ones from a box under the counter, so that made my decision slightly more complicated. I did end up buying a pair that Ma hadn't seen though, so that was good.
Part way through our wanderings, we stopped off for something sweet to eat at
From Scratch Patisserie... which is always nice. I picked the "Monkey Magic" (layers of peanut butter mousse, caramel cream, passionfruit and peanut and popcorn crunch) which was amazing, especially the "crunch" part at the bottom.
After we'd done a final lap of the place so that Ma could pick up a veritable truckload of greeting cards to give to La Cousina at Christmas we headed over to Hoummus Where The Heart Is to grab something to eat.
I had the lamb kebabs, which was very nice... although there were little dollops of different things on the plate, including Baba ghanoush and one that was pure garlic... I didn't realise that until AFTER I'd taken a mouthful of it...
Seriously, my mouth still tastes of garlic!
Once we'd finished eating we called it a day... there wasn't really anything else we wanted to do... so we headed back to my place, divided up our goodies and I sent Ma on her way.
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