
ma's birthday adventures

happy birthday marilyn
Today was Ma's Birthday Celebration, and it has been A Very Busy Day!

It all started at the usual time this morning, with the usual Saturday morning routine (housework then shopping)... only today there was the added fun of Ma unwrapping her presents.

Everything went down really well, and, as I half expected, she'd forgotten about half of the stuff, even though I was with her when I bought them...

It also turned out that she was totally clueless about the Kim David Smith tickets, she thought it was something else entirely, so that was a bonus.

After we were done with all that and she'd eaten her custard tart, we did fluff around a little bit before we headed down to Pearl's Diner in Felixstow for a surprise lunch.

I say surprise because I didn't tell Ma where we were going... well, more like not what was at the place we were going.

And fortunately just as we walked in the door a table freed up, so that was good.

As for the food, in a word, delish! Not that I would expect anything less from the Burger Theory boys... but I seriously have never, ever had better tasting chili than what's on offer at Pearl's Diner. I didn't even know you could make chili with giant, slow cooked, beautifully tender chunks of steak. That's obviously where the "Texas style" bit comes in.

And the chocolate shake... it's so thick that the extra wide straw doesn't sink to the bottom if you pull it halfway up. I don't know how the other flavours compare, but the chocolate is real, proper tasting chocolate (I had a lot of chocolate drinks today actually).

I can't comment on how Ma's omelette was, but it was certainly a decent size and seemed to be stuffed full of mushrooms... plus she seemed pleased with it.

That's not to say it wasn't without some minor teething problems... Ma ended up with her third choice of meal since they didn't have everything on the menu, and the chili probably should come with a spoon... but they really were minor complaints in what was a really fantastic dining experience.

When we were done at Pearl's, we headed into the city to kill some time before we headed off to see Songs for Nobodies at 2pm. Originally that was just going to be a little poke around in the city, and then moving the car down to that side of town, but we ended up just walking down... killed time and meant we only had to pay $1 for four hours of parking.

On the way down, we stopped off briefly to see the new exhibition at Espionage Gallery... and, as always, Josh was pleased to see us (which he should be since one or other of us has bought something almost every time we've been in the gallery). And although I was only really intending to have a look, I did end up buying something... it's only small though and wasn't overly expensive...

I'll write up a full review of Songs for Nobodies tomorrow... but while we were waiting in the foyer for the doors to open, it did seem like it was just me and a room full of ladies of a certain age... one or two husbands too, but mostly ladies.

After the show, we wandered back to the car on Rundle Street, came back to my place where I got changed for our evening show, then after we fluffed about a bit, we headed down to the Festival Theatre to get some dinner before the show.

I like what they've done in the eatery area this year actually... instead of individual tables, it's big long trestle tables, which will hopefully mean it's easier to find a spot somewhere.

And thankfully the churro truck is there again with their Spanish hot chocolate, which I very happily enjoyed and which also warmed me up... SO! DAMN! TASTY!

After a couple of tasty pizzas from All Fired Up (perfectly crisp bases, and The Soprano is very tasty), we headed off to see the lovely Kim David Smith perform... and once again, I'll blog a full review for that tomorrow as well.

While we were waiting for the show to start, I was tweeting away with the #adcabfest hashtag, then turned around and realised that they were projecting tweets with that hashtag up on the wall behind me... and my tweets showed up in the list. Actually at one point, because they were repeating recent tweets so the list didn't appear static, my three tweets took up six of the eight slots. They should totally do that during the Fringe, maybe at the Garden of Unearthly Delights...

Once the show was over, and I'd made sure that I introduced myself to Kim this time (we've been chatting via Twitter on and off since he was here a couple of years ago), we headed back to North Adelaide for dessert.

Unfortunately we couldn't get a park near where we wanted to go, so we came back here, Ma changed her shoes and we walked down to Chocolatree for some chocolatey goodness.

Then I had my third chocolate drink of the day and both Ma and I had their rhubarb and apple crumble dessert... not the largest dessert ever, and the crumble was a little drowned out by the massive scoop of ice cream on the top, but all in all, it was quite tasty. And, to be honest, neither of us wanted a massive amount of food.

And then we wandered back down O'Connell Street, back to my place and called it a night.

So a very big, very good, very chocolatey kind of day.

Happy Birthday Ma! (even though your actual birthday was on Thursday and I forgot to call you until I got to work... oops)

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1 comment:

Food Manager Certification Texas said...

Looks like a really fun day Yani! My mom also celebrated her birthday this June. My girlfriend and I made her a cake and of course other foods. She was really delighted.