
sacred and profane

This is the post that I would have posted last Sunday had things not taken a turn for the unfortunate...

The cemetery at Hindmarsh contrasted with a wander along Prospect Road (although the very first shot on the right is actually from Bowden).

killed by nativesrest in paradise

white rosememory dove

stone drapesfifties girl

emerganceangel wings

in hoc signokab's mark

blue flameblue stripe

dear husbanddynamo man

white trumpetscracked glaze

stone wingsbrick clouds

dripped colourliz and jim

rusted postprospect brown

private yellowin grey

peacefully sleepingprospect tiles

as hornedied drapes

stone grapesmexican cactus

rusted hingesacred

And for the record, I'm using "profane" in the title in the "not devoted to holy or religious purposes" sense...

Current Mood:

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