This month took in Easter (Days 6-9), a very, very brief trip to Sydney (Day 14) and a bout of illness (Day 17... technically through to Day 23, although Day 17 was kind of the worst of it)...
Once again there were days that were planned well in advance (Days 2, 6, 12, 23, 30) and others that were kind of last minute inspirations (Days 5, 13, 25, 26)...
And another instance (Day 18) that I just threw together (Lego hair was a fall back if I couldn't manage to photograph real hair, but I'd originally planned on a different interpretation... the three colours was a last minute thing) and ended up being really popular (relatively speaking).
The obsessive compulsive in me also appreciates that April has 30 days, so it lines up as a perfect six by five grid (as will June, September and November).
- Day 1: My reflection (taken in the glass of my Sam Evans artwork)
- Day 2: Colour (the Derwent pencils I've had since I was about 13 or 14)
- Day 3: Mail (the minifigs I'd been waiting for for ages finally arrived)
- Day 4: Someone who makes me happy (hot guys on the bus make me happy)
- Day 5: Tiny
- Day 6: Lunch (about as religious as I get at Easter... making Fishy Crisps on Good Friday)
- Day 7: Shadow (at the Kite Festival)
- Day 8: Inside my wallet
- Day 9: Younger me (very, very young me in fact)
- Day 10: Cold
- Day 11: Where I ate breakfast (the same place I always eat it on a weekday... standing at the kitchen counter)
- Day 12: Stairs
- Day 13: Something I found (I had trouble with "found"... plus I was packing for my trip to Sydney, so Little Traveller ended up as it)
- Day 14: How I feel today (I was in Sydney... so I always feel as happy as Little Traveller looks when I'm in Sydney)
- Day 15: Sunset
- Day 16: Flower
- Day 17: Something I don't like (not toast... I love toast... but I was feeling sick and couldn't stomach anything else to eat... and I don't like feeling sick)
- Day 18: Hair (there's just something about little Lego heads people love... this flew to the top of my "most liked" photos, and is currently tied with March's Day 5)
- Day 19: Orange
- Day 20: Something I drew
- Day 21: Bottle
- Day 22: The last thing I bought (I couldn't have planned the headline better myself)
- Day 23: Vegetable
- Day 24: Something I'm grateful for (I'm very grateful for hot water... especially after all the trouble I've had during the past few winters)
- Day 25: Looking down (from the flight back from Sydney a couple of weeks before)
- Day 26: Black + white
- Day 27: Somewhere I went (lunch at the Burger Theory truck)
- Day 28: 1pm (lunch at Jones the Grocer)
- Day 29: Circle
- Day 30: Something that makes me sad (all movies... plus one teevee show/episode... that make me sad)
Current Mood: