I picked up my two pieces of artwork by Cameron Brideoake on Tuesday... and I'm even more in love with them now than I was when I bought them. I also noticed that although they look completely different, they're actually connected... the two red patterns on either side of the Hummingbird Warrior are exactly the same pattern on the fabric behind Maneki Sama (which I think translates, rightly or wrongly, to "Beckoning the highly respected" or something similar).
But they're both completely gorgeous and I love them to bits.
The rest of my week has been less than stellar.
I've been suffering from either a prolonged bout of mild food poisoning (which sounds completely back to front I know) or some other form of gastro... I haven't really wanted to eat all that much, and what I do eat my stomach complains about...
So not good at all.
Add that to the fact I haven't been to the gym since Easter thanks to a knee that went completely mental on me...
I'm essentially broken and need to be taken back to the store and exchanged for a homosexual that functions properly.
It also has meant (well, the stomach thing more than the knee thing) that I both missed out on eating at Burger Theory this week (sob) and also found out what Alka Seltzer tastes like (ie not pleasant).
And the only thing I feel safe eating is stodgy, carb based foods... although nothing really seems to settle my stomach. I even went without any of the donuts or cupcakes for Rockchick's birthday afternoon tea today because I just couldn't face any of it.
Urgh... hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it.
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