
lunchtime mr sloppy hunt

mr sloppy lunchtime hunt that contains adult content mr sloppy!
no standing mr sloppy mr sloppy's planter
Last year it took me about five months to hunt down about twenty versions of Mr Sloppy...

This year I've already found sixteen and I've only been looking for three days.

Today it was a wander from Victoria Square, through Topham Mall, down to Hindley Street and then back up to Franklin Street.

Obviously they're much more plentiful this year! I'm just a little disappointed they don't seem to be as individualised or personalised this time. There's no pink, orange or blue coloured variants... at least not yet. I mean there is the spraycan/paste up variants... but it's not the same.

Also, this happened...

eyebird off hindleyAbout half a dozen or so of these little birdies with various coloured eyes are now loose on the streets of Adelaide.

Let me know if you see any... I really have no idea how long the stickum on the back of them works... or how well.

Although I really do need to either not put them up in the middle of the day or just be more observant about who's around. I haven't been especially subtle on a couple of occasions.

Current Mood:

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