This year I've already found sixteen and I've only been looking for three days.
Today it was a wander from Victoria Square, through Topham Mall, down to Hindley Street and then back up to Franklin Street.
Obviously they're much more plentiful this year! I'm just a little disappointed they don't seem to be as individualised or personalised this time. There's no pink, orange or blue coloured variants... at least not yet. I mean there is the spraycan/paste up variants... but it's not the same.
Also, this happened...

Let me know if you see any... I really have no idea how long the stickum on the back of them works... or how well.
Although I really do need to either not put them up in the middle of the day or just be more observant about who's around. I haven't been especially subtle on a couple of occasions.
Current Mood:

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