unconscious mutterings 451

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

When I got up this morning at 5:30, the temperature was 25°C. Now it's raining and 14°C.

H-San is still on leave, Rockchick SMSed in sick then Sugarmonkey emailed in sick.

The temperature at work seemed to be extraordinarily high and the amount of air circulation seemed to be extraordinarily low.

Ma booked the hotel room for Sydney, I booked the flight back and the car for taking us to and from the airport in Melbourne.

None of these facts is in any way connected to any of the others.

Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Earrings :: Silver
  2. Tomorrow :: Tuesday
  3. Soft :: Hard
  4. Idiots :: I have a new theory about idiots... I may blog it on another day
  5. Portraits :: Black and white
  6. Handicap :: Space
  7. Collar :: Peter Pan
  8. Blouse :: Silk
  9. Wool :: Sheep
  10. Statistic :: Information
Current Mood:

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