So to counterbalance that I'm going to take a leaf out of my own book and revisit the second ever post I did for the blog.
And, essentially, remind myself of all the things that make me happy.
Some of it is the same as the old list, but a whole bunch is new.
Things I like...
- Guys who fill out a suit nicely.
- Getting parcels in the mail.
- Songs by Josh Pyke.
- Casual Friday.
- Accidentally exposed underwear/skin.
- Silence.
- Artwork by my favourite artists.
- Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee.
- Well shaped hands.
- Movies with great dialogue.
- Discovering new pieces of street art.
- Homemade fruit salad.
- Seeing the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House in Sydney.
- Pale redheaded guys with freckles.
- Getting three stars on Angry Birds levels on the first try.
- The smell of old books.
- A good double cut roll.
- Tanned blonde guys.
- Getting good seats for shows.
- Sunset over the ocean.
- Crisp red apples.
- The laneways of Melbourne.
- The curve in the small of a guy's back.
- Playing with Photoshop.
- Pogo's movie/real world remixes.
- The smell of rain on hot concrete.
- Lamb Rogan Josh with naan bread.
- Thunderstorms.
- Piercings, especially nipples and eyebrows.
- Snapping the perfect photo.
- The colour red.
- Haighs chocolate.
- Bookstores.
- Good kissers.
- Guys in hoodies and not much else.
- People who make me laugh out loud.
- Clean sheets.
- Burger Theory burgers.
- Stationery stores.
- Tall, lanky dudes.
- Hot showers.
- Scarf weather.

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