
tink makes a housecall

this is not indicative of my actual haircutWell that was a new and unusual experience!

Because Tink is now INCREDIBLY pregnant (it's so cute, she looks exactly the same except for the giant belly lump), so she's stopped working at the salon... but she's still cutting hair, thankfully.

So she packed up her little travelling hairdressing kit and came over tonight to cut and colour my hair.

It was a trifle odd... we set everything up in the lounge... used my old painting dropcloth and some towels to catch the hair and I sat in my old swivelly desk chair.

Oddly though, it never really occurred to me how integral the mirror is to the hair dressing experience. It was strange not being able to make eye contact while we were talking... especially given the amount of talking we usually do.

Given that we're both of a slightly similar vintage (Tink being a few years younger than me), I threw on the Video Hits 86-96 DVD, which was the perfect thing and kept us amused. I swear though that half of the time I don't even pay attention when she's cutting my hair. Obviously she's been cutting my hair for long enough that I trust her, but because we got talking... first about the Brisbane trip... then about my neighbours and how long I've been living here... I really wasn't paying attention. And of course the lack of a mirror meant I couldn't really watch the haircut.

We went with the same haircut as last time... very short on the sides and around the back and kinda high up before it starts getting longer... then bleached on top. I'm just glad that it's shorter to be honest!

Also, it was a buttload cheaper than going to the salon (although to be honest, it was all so friendly and cruisy that I forgot I was supposed to be paying her until right at the end... oops), so bonus there.

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