
sixth blogiversary

yaniblog's sixth blogiversarySix years, two thousand five hundred and ninety four posts, three thousand and one comments, forty two thousand five hundred and ninety one page views (since July 2009 anyway)... it's my sixth blogiversary!

It's pretty much beyond something I even really think about anymore... it's just routine and what I do...

No grand pronouncements this year... just the observation that my day at work was predominantly concerned with social media in one form or another... seems appropriate somehow.

Current Mood:


Mind Of Mine said...

Wow, that is quite a milestone. Well done. Here to another 6.

Victor said...

312 supermarket safaris?

Well done.

yani said...

Thanks guys...

And it's 249 "shopping" posts (not always supermarketly) plus the 86 Monday Musing posts that I used to do instead of talking about shopping on Saturdays... so technically 335...

erik said...
