
unconscious mutterings 422

I really, really need a vacation...

Someone I follow online, one of the personal trainers at the gym and the bus driver all managed to get on my nerves before it was even 8am...

Fourteen days until Brisvegas!

Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Puzzled :: Expression
  2. Ordered :: List
  3. Unusual :: Archeology (sorry, I'm watching Time Team)
  4. Speculation :: Financial
  5. Tutorial:: Video
  6. Dangerous :: Killer
  7. Second :: Banana (mmmm... I miss bananas)
  8. Evidence :: Body of
  9. Course :: Training
  10. Reason :: Season or Lifetime
Current Mood:


Mind Of Mine said...

What did the blogger do to piss you off?

yani said...

I never said they were a blogger... but it's a combination of showboating, talking shit and being vain and shallow...