
cabaret: tuba skinny

adelaide cabaret festival - tuba skinnyTuba Skinny's performance last night was the musical equivalent of "You had me at hello".

Less than 30 seconds into their first song I was completely enamoured and leaned over to Ma to say "I'm buying the CD".

And I know we still have a couple of shows to go, and we've seen some good stuff so far, but I think that this six piece group from New Orleans is way out in front as my favourite so far.

Erika Lewis who provides the vocals has the most amazing, smoky, vintage voice... if you close your eyes if feels like you're listening to a recording from the 1920's or 1930's. It's just magical.

The other stand-out performer was Robin Rapuzzi who plays the washboard and provides all of the percussion... not only is he incredibly talented and entertaining, but he has such great energy and knows how to work a crowd.

Having said that, the other musicians are excellent... and together they're spectacular, both when they're slow and slinky as well as when they're fast and upbeat.

I haven't heard that much of this particular style of jazz before, but something about both the songs and Lewis's vocals just spoke to me... I don't think there was a single number that I wasn't stomping my feet to or pounding out time on my thigh.

I perhaps could have done without some of the people who got up to dance due to a distinct surplus of alcohol... but for the most part it worked well with the music and was something different.

After the show I couldn't choose between the two CDs they had on offer, so I got both... and got both signed. It's been a very CD related Cabaret Festival this year.

And I can kinda tell that these songs are going to get a thrashing on my iPhone in the next few weeks!

Current Mood:

1 comment:

FreeMedia said...

Yes I agree this band is amazing! Tuba SKinny all over my iphone too, how can you get any better??