He has this smile and this twinkle in his eye that I don't think you could catch in a photograph...
And there's something about a guy in a shirt, tie and waistcoat with jeans that's just gorgeous.
But I'm getting off track...
The songs Daniel performed were mostly from his album (and the title of the show), So Close, which contains both well known classics and some less well known but gorgeous songs. And he did throw a few others into the mix, including a fantastic version of Cold Chisel's When The War Is Over.
It was a 4pm show, so I don't think you tend to get the raucous applause you get with the later shows... but the audience definitely warmed up as the show progressed.
My personal favourite had to be his version of I Hope You Dance... but I was also fond of Annie's Song because I used to be able to play that on the piano many, many years ago.
Daniel's patter between songs was great too... from his story about touring the Desperate Housewives set to his confession of being a Neighbours tragic... he's funny, warm and makes you feel like he's letting you in on the secret.
And it felt like he is looking straight at you when he stares out into the audience. I know it's more than likely he can't see a damn thing, but you feel like he's seeing you, which is great.
He's definitely worth going to see on stage...
And if that isn't enough, I'll let the following video speak for itself (sorry, I couldn't resist)...
Ma also bought the CD and got it signed (along with the ticket stubs)... that's two for two on both the CD buying and the ticket signing... I'm not sure we can keep up with the CDs, but I want to try and get all of the tickets signed!
Current Mood:

He is incredibly sexy! He has a very sexy jaw, which sounds weird but he does.
I saw Daniel in a series shown in Australia on UKTV last year called Any Dream Will Do in which men competed to win the role of Joseph in a new UK production of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
The minute I saw Daniel I thought he was gay but the issue never arose in the show. I'm pleased to see from the video you posted that my Gaydar was accurate.
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