
street art that watches you back

street art eyes dotted face
You know what I worked out this morning...

It's a month until Christmas.

And I don't feel in any way particularly organised or ready... not that I generally need to do that much to get ready (and Ma is sorted presentwise, barring any late "must have" additional knick knacks and the traditional bar of nougat), but by this point last year I'd already had Ma's calendar printed and bound... and done much more Christmas shopping and was generally more in the appropriate seasonal mood. But I feel a little disconnected from it all this year... Christmas just seem to have almost appeared out of nowhere.

With any luck this weekend's bout of ritual self flagellation that is Putting Up The Christmas Tree will help to get me into the appropriate spirit.

On an unrelated thought... is it weird that even when H-San and Sugarmonkey make me completely and totally crazy I can't imagine being anywhere else... which is both tragic and somewhat bad for me, because eventually this will come to an end.

Speaking of unrelated things...

muzburgersI made chicken Muzburgers for dinner tonight... and then served them with a nice bean and tomato salad (it was supposed to have baby bocconcini in it, but I forgot).

It's an interesting recipe... maybe a little on the dry side, but that was probably my fault because I added more breadcrumbs than I was supposed to. And because they're coated in breadcrumbs and then cooked on the George, well, they take freakin ages to brown up and had a pretty solid shell once they were done. Maybe doing them in oil in a frypan would be slightly better, if not as healthy.

Tasty though, what with the chilli and the pepper and the extra basil I added... definitely one to tweak and try again. And maybe come up with some tasty sauce to go with them...

Current Mood:

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