
blindsided tuesday

trained sealsYou know those days that come out of nowhere and blindside you? Yeah, today was one of those.

I've been trying to avoid having anything to do with the training that we do (hence the trained seals on the right)... but there are some days when you just have to suck it up and roll up your sleeves.

Fortunately I only had to be there for a couple of hours, since I was essentially backup for Sugarmonkey... and now he owes me one (although I haven't tried that one out on him yet... I'm sure he'll disagree).

The training stuff itself was fine... I just had to wander around at the back of the room and keep an eye on what everybody was doing, and make sure they didn't seem to be confused or doing the wrong thing or whatever. There was one guy that just wasn't getting it, but once I got him caught up with everybody else he seemed okay (at least until he screwed it up again).

Slightly more problematic were the two taxi drivers I had... the one on the way there was overly talkative (the weather, road, political sex scandals) and although it wasn't completely his fault because of the roadworks, he seemed to be taking forever. The guy on the way back was even worse... he seemed confused about where we were going (although he did get there without much problem or prompting) and wouldn't shut up about the roadworks.

My own fault... I didn't sit in the back seat and completely ignore them.

So I left work around 10:30 and didn't get back into the office until 1pm. And as you can imagine, it meant that the rest of my day was pretty much a write-off. I ended up editing a document for H-San and a couple of other bits and pieces, but it was all a little bit vague...

Then I came home and made Chicken with Tomato and Mango Relish, the first time for the season... damn that stuff is yummy!

The major downside for my day was the discovery that Nestlé is discontinuing the Polly Waffle chocolate bar... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

"Younger people admit to only a vague knowledge of the Polly Waffle and most are unaware it is uniquely Australian and not available anywhere else in the world."

Stoopid younger people... I love me some Polly Waffle action! They can't discontinue it... maybe if they actually advertised it every once in a while people might buy them!

I can see that there may very well be a Peanut Butter KitKat type excursion this weekend... must buy an obscene amount of the Polly Waffle...

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1 comment:

Sunshine said...

I'm bummed out by the discontinuation of Polly Waffle too! I love that stuff. Admittedly, I haven't bought them for years, so it's partly my fault. :P