
wild and wooly saturday

rain rain go awayFar out, talk about your contrasts...

It's been warm and muggy for most of the week, and then today there's been torrential rain... and I mean that... there was big, scary rain a couple of times. And it's still blowing a gale out there and keeps raining big scary rain on and off.

Bloody stupid weather... oh well, at least it won't be hot and stinky for Christmas Tree Construction tomorrow.

It was a pretty "light on" Supermarket Safari week this week... I still have a bunch of stuff left over from last week since I went out and specifically bought stuff during the week to make things. This week's offerings did all look a little pitiful when I brought it home and spread it out on the kitchen counter though.

Other than that, there wasn't much to the first part of the morning... unless you count the fact that Ma was being somewhat more vague than usual.

Our main destination for today was the Goodwood Christmas Market which we found by accident in March when they were doing the Autumn version (although I did see the Christmas one last year as I was driving past).

So I think you can do the math... open air/sidewalk market + torrential rain = not good. For the most part we didn't get too wet, we'd brought along the big rainbow umbrella that lives in Ma's car, but the wind would have turned it inside out in about two minutes flat, so instead we just made friends with a lot of the stallholders and sheltered in various spots until we could venture onwards.

We picked up a couple of the Puddling Lane Christmas Puddings... we had one last year and it was very yummy, so we went for a different flavour this year. I also grabbed a bottle of really nice olive oil, and we found some cute bits and pieces for presents. Plus I found a secondhand Little Golden Book version of The Velveteen Rabbit... I didn't even know there was a Golden Book version... it'll be seriously truncated, but I couldn't leave it there, I'm just a touch obsessed with TVR currently.

Then we spent ages with the nice lady at the Feminique stall where Ma tried on a bunch of pendants with interchangeable stones before finally deciding on one... and then she had to pick the glass tiles and learn how to slide them in and out... but she was happy with it, and it does have a vague seahorse vibe about it (I think it's just that the design she picked is somewhat S shaped). Technically it could go away for her birthday, but I totally don't have the patience to keep it hanging around for that long. It was pretty good value though... although it wasn't cheap, it came with five tiles and we bought an extra one for $2, so that's essentially six different necklaces at around $10 a pop.

Oddly enough I was looking at pendants for Ma yesterday and Thursday, but didn't buy anything. Obviously I was picking up on a vibe because I just wasn't sure about the ones I was looking at... so I must have been supposed to wait.

Fortunately that side of the road was nicely sheltered, because it started to really bucket down with rain after we left the Feminque stall... so we just stood around for a bit and as soon as the rain died down we darted across the road and wandered quickly past the couple of remaining stalls before calling it quits.

After an unsuccessful trip to Big W to try and spot some printing paper we ended up going to Officeworks were I found some Kodak paper (I kinda wanted Canon, since that's what the printer is, but they didn't have anything glossy) and a Lapramp laptop stand... so Beast is currently sitting up at an angle, which is pretty good for typing I have to say, and hopefully it stops him getting quite so hot.

When we got back here I did a quick sort through my wardrobe and ditched a bunch of stuff that I just don't wear anymore... there's nothing wrong with any of it (well, there were a couple of shirts that were a size too small), but mostly I just don't wear the stuff. But it made some room in my wardrobe, which was getting very, very squeezy. I don't quite know if I got rid of one thing for every new thing I've bought recently, but everything seems to fit in there better.

Now I just have to decide if I can be bothered trying to hook my printer up to Beast this afternoon...

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