After waking up confused about what day it was (I was in the midst of moving stuff around and making the bed at 5am when I realised it was actually the weekend so I gave up and went back to bed), and only having four hours sleep on top of that, it's been something of a tiring day.
And a grey day with occasional showers too... woohoo!
Anyway... Supermarket Safari... it's always easier to have a vague plan for what you might want to eat during the week when it's not going to be 8000 degrees... and at some point this week I'd like to try Muz's After Gym chicken rissoles...
I also bought a little basil plant at the supermarket, because I'm tending to use quite a bit of the stuff at the moment and rather than buying it at a couple of dollars a pop, I thought I might attempt to grow some of my own. How well that ends up working is anybody's guess.
Once we were done trawling the supermarkets and had picked up a couple of seriously marked down Clothes Airers (I have to try and put mine together later), we came back here, did the unpacking thing then headed into the city to begin The Shopping of Christmas.
Oddly, Ma doesn't have an awful lot of things to get on her list, which is good, because the only things we ended up getting in town were things for us... well, things for Ma really...
Namely a Nintendo DS with accessories pack and game... one of the attractive yet tattooed freaks in JB HiFi was very helpful and Ma had something of a brainwave that we could automatically trade in the free game that came with the DS and use the refund to buy Dr Kawashima's Brain Training game... of course now I want to be really evil and get her some completely fluffy game as well... but that will have to wait until later.
We also went looking for the Snow Bunny Harajuku Girls perfume, and because we didn't just cave in at the first store that had it for 15% off, we also managed to get free gifts out the whazoo... well, a set of pencils and case as well as a set of little vials of fragrance. But Ma bought that for herself since I already got her the solid perfume Harajuku faces.
She's going to have more of that fucking perfume than she knows what to do with I swear! But the fragrance woman in Myer did suggest the idea of layering the different fragrances... which could be interesting.
Once we'd finished wandering around town (or at least run of out things to wander about looking for), we decided to go down to West Lakes for no real reason... but there was more wandering around when we got there, once we'd had lunch anyway. Ma did pick up a couple of bits and pieces for people, and we looked at a bunch of stuff, but all in all the only thing I really got from West Lakes was sore feet.
On the way home we called into Bunnings to get a plant pot and soil so I could repot the basil plant... which I did when we got back here... so now it's all red and shiny (the pot, not the plant, because that would be unhealthy and wrong).
So a tiring but somewhat productive day...
Current Mood:

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