

I'm blaming Adam Spencer... I really am...

I got all caught up in this poker show he's hosting on Network Ten last night, Joker Poker (comedians playing cards)... I wouldn't have, but I only learned to play poker earlier this year, and, well... it was comedians... playing poker...

Then, as I was laying in bed, I had a breakthrough about what to buy my friend J for Christmas...

Which led to me waking up with "What ever happened to those nude male playing cards I used to have?" on my brain this morning... and my brain wouldn't shut up until I got up and started looking for them.

Looking through my wardrobe and dresser drawers is scary...

I did find the wig and plastic headstand I bought ages ago when I was considering doing drag for all of five minutes (as "Fawn Ekaytor"... say it out loud)... it was stuffed in a plastic bag at the back of the wardrobe, up the top where I never go. I left it out on my kitchen bench... I need to work out what to do with it...

Then I started looking in my dresser... I found the cards pretty quickly actually... in a box along with about half a ton of bits of paper. Turned out to be a bunch of stuff I used to have on a pinboard... pictures and little sayings and random stuff... was interesting to look through it all, it definately took me back a ways...

I dug out a bunch of the quotes... figured I'd share them...

Predjudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.
     Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre

Nude body-builders with taut muscles and strings of cultured pearls. Naked dwarves clad in medieval helmets. Beautiful girls in prickly costumes. Big, fat ladies happily sitting on spindly chairs.

Disco dancin, Oscar Wilde readin, Streisand ticket holdin Friend of Dorothy!
     Murray on Christian - Clueless

It feels good to be the Queen of the World.
     Lucy - Peanuts

Well, I'm working on making all things mine, but for now, this will have to do!
     Regine - Living Single

Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.
     Erica Jong - A Guide for the Advanced Soul

Current Mood: feeling retro

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