So, I got a text message last night, from a number that didn't show up in my phone, but which looked familiar. I figured it had to come from one particular person, and I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to said person. I was still trying to figure out if it was this person when my phone rang.
The same number again. I didn't answer it... and let it go to voicemail.
I know, I know... it was somewhat childish, but m'eh, I figured that at least then I would know who was calling and could work out if I actually did want to talk to them.
I couldn't be bothered checking the message last night, so I did it first thing this morning. And it wasn't who I thought it was at all...
That would have been too easy!
Turns out it was a completely different person who had drifted out of my life some time back, we'll call him Raury.
So now I'm officially confused... WHY is Raury calling me after all this time? What makes him go "Gee, NOW would be the perfect moment to call yaniboy"....
I'd heard through a mutual friend a while ago that he'd been really ill, and had ended up going "country" to stay with his dad. Obviously he's back now.
I just can't work out if I really want him back in my life... I mean its not like I'm crawling with friends and associates, but Raury and I were pretty much superficial friends... we never really talked about what was going on with us, we just kinda coasted along on this amusing, but not overly deep level.
Buggered it I know what to do...
We have drifted in and out of each other's lives before... I used to work with him many, many, many moons ago... and we drifted... then random chance brought me and my housemate to look at renting the house his girlfriend at the time... and he turned up on our doorstep... and he dated my best friend... they broke up... and we drifted... I moved here on my own... he showed up again... we started hanging out on Friday nights after work... he started dating a girl I didn't really like that much... and we drifted... she moved away... we started going out dancing... then after much back and forth, he started dating one of my other best friends... that didn't end well... he started dating this girl with no actual brain to speak of... and we drifted... and here we are now...
Okay, so I'm starting to sense a pattern... obviously he's "without woman" at present. Which, if I'm right (and I would say its probably very likely that I am), kinda makes me "Fallback Plan B"... not overly flattering, I have to say.
So... to call/text him, or not to call/text him... that is the question.
Current Mood:

1 comment:
Treat it like you treated work calls when you were working next to me, i.e. never return the first call - if they really want something they'll ask twice. At least :)
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