This is all because I have this habit of saving links and then never revisiting them... even though I have them all sorted into folders and categories... yeah, I know... I'm semi-anal about sorting stuff... but then I never clean stuff out... its the packrat gene passed on from my Nanna, to my Mum, to me... *sigh*

I did find a bunch of cool stuff though... stuff I'd forgotten about, stuff that got updated without me, stuff like that...
First up are these four cuties, "the yaniblog boys"... okay, I'll admit it... I'm a big girl's blouse when it comes to these pixel doll things... I've never quite had the patience or artistry to so something as detailed as these (although I have dabbled), but that's what Dollmakers are for... in this case, Josie Doll's Deviko Dollmaker. There's also a couple of girly versions at Josie's site. I have to say that I quite like the pixelart graphics she has for navigation... very snazzy.
As for the boys... how cute are they! I was messing around, making a couple of them, and my brain went "boy band!"... so, yeah... they pretty much named themselves after that... especially Kevin (who kinda looks like Kevin from the Backstreet Boys, at least to me)...

The next thing I re-found was Zan's My Life in Blue... and it had been updated! YAAAAAY!
I loved Zan's art when I first fell across it via his Elfwood Gallery... all tall skinny fae creatures... what's not to love!
Then I found My Life in Blue... tall skinny fey sarcastic gay creatures... with text! Needless to say I devoured the whole thing from beginning to end... and it ended with huge gaps between the last few posts... and then... nothing...
And finding it again today... new art! Still with months between updates... but new art none-the-less. Colour me very pleased.
I even made a banner button for it (see... on the right there, between Order of the Stick and Chopping Block).

Exibit A - Babylon: Alexander and Hephaistion from Alexander...
Whatever it is, its gorgeous work, lots of lush naked bodies... lots of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean boy on boy action... there's even a little girl on girl action, for those that way inclined.
I'd love to see a "step by step" of one of these pieces, I wouldn't even know where to start creating something like this... even though I've seen some of the original photographs that these are based on... there is so much attention to detail going on that it kind of boggles the mind.
And last, but not least... Ursula's Metal and Magic.

Her "Bad Egg" image that I've used was on the cover of The Advertiser Review a while back for a story about the Adelaide Hill's run company Ballistic Publishing and their book on digital art, EXPOSÉ 3.
I thought it was brilliant, but I don't know if I ever looked at who the artist was, and I definately never connected the dots back to Ursula.
So imagine my surprise when I was wandering around her site, and in amongst the wombats and pink lizards and weird fruit, there was "Bad Egg".
I'm not sure where I originally saw Ursula's work, and hence found her site... it could have been Elfwood again... or VCL (since she does a lot of animal based art)... it could even have been deviantART... who knows...
Okay... that's it... I've been working on this post for like two hours, and its time to stretch and eat something... maybe watch some teevee...
Current Mood:

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