
photo friday: copper

First off... BEER! The second half of this post could very well be a little bit beery, since we're off to after-work drinkies tonight, so I'm writing the important stuff down now, so I don't forget because beer.

I don't know if it's because Monday was a public holiday or because the clocks went forward an hour on Sunday or if was just a random coincidence that a bunch of things all came together, but this week has been a little bit nutso.

Over the long weekend I straightened up my living room (and then heard from my land agent on Tuesday that the Strata is still waiting for a second quote for replacing the guttering... so fuck only knows when they'll finally get around to repairing it) since I couldn't deal with living with the contents of half of the living room being spread all over the place. I also finally started on my random gallery wall... and by started I mean I hung three different artworks, but I really don't have any kind of plan or rhyme or reason for adding all of the rest... but since the three I put up are at opposite ends of the piece of wall, it looks a little weird currently and I'll definitely have to do something about now instead of just talking about it.

I could have ended up playing Assassin's Creed all weekend, but I had a list of things in my head that I had to get done before I'd let myself even start... and that ended up being Monday afternoon, but I put some solid effort in for a few hours.

And then on Monday night I invented another version of lasagne, different from the last one I attempted, but made from the same recipe... none of them really work as well as the one that Ma used to use with the proper cheese sauce... so I might need to revisit that as an option, or at least some variation thereof. I do need a better container though, since the dish I have currently is just too damn big and I only get two layers in instead of four.

But really it's been work that's been a little bit crazy... I've had two major projects happening all at once... one was the one I started last week, the other was helping to put together a social media presentation... not overly heavy lifting, brain-wise, however it was time consuming. Then on top of that all the usual stuff, plus I started noticing that one of my team seems to keep making errors in things... thankfully since I'm not his actual supervisor I can palm the seemingly inevitable conversation off to someone with more seniority.

It also got that I could predict when I was going to get phonecalls... and my phone generally doesn't ring much at work... not this week though, although it was mostly the same person repeatedly.

Then Thursday night was Haircut Night... yaaay!

Unfortunately the baby was fast asleep this time, which did make for an easier and quieter haircut than last time... but I wanted baby-cuddles goddammit! Tink loved the romper suit thing I bought though.

So Beer O'Clock cannot come soon enough, and I've more than fucking earned it this week!

Continued much later...

Yeah, that wasn't the best after work drinks session we've had... mostly because somebody (and I honestly can't remember who) suggested that we should go and sit in the beer garden... Beer gardens are never the answer to any of life's questions, they're noisy and full of people and generally that's where they put the loud music, so you pretty much end up yelling at each other all night much more so than you would indoors.

Sadly I was the lone objector to this plan, so we ended up outside. And the group, which usually spreads itself out was much more spread out over two tables... and then of course there were people you don't really want to sit with or talk to, so there was a little bit of musical benches throughout the evening.

I stuck it out until around 8, although I pretty much quit drinking about three quarters of an hour before that... and the when the "band" (shut the fuck up already, nobody fucking cares) started up again just after 8 I called it a night and wandered off home.

I was a little miffed that we never made it over to the Fork on the Road in Victoria Square. If I'm being honest, I knew we weren't... but it would have been nice, and a fucking hell of a lot quieter.

But at least I stopped drinking early enough that I'm fairly confident I won't feel all that seedy tomorrow... plus it's not going to be long before I crash into bed.

Current Mood:

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