
photo friday: water and a puppy

water bearerrock splash

sand pupwater lily

I've been reading a lot of Cory Doctorow books lately... partly because they're free to download under Creative Commons... but also because they're really good reads.

I think my favourite is still his first novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom is still my favourite... but Makers, the one I'm reading at the moment, is great in a whole different way.

In fact each book that I've read has been different than the one before it.

It seems like a really long time since I've been to an opening at Espionage Gallery. Given that it was Oldschool, a retrospective of late 90's/early 2000's street artists, I wasn't expecting there to be anything for sale... it turned out there was.

And it turned out that the piece I wanted was by an artist who's still working, just under a different name.

Given that everybody else at work is planning leave, having leave, going places, doing things, I was feeling a little left out so I took a look at the dates for the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition in Bondi this year (18 October till 4 November)... and sent them to Ma without comment.

I don't know if we will end up going... but it's a thought. I really could do with a holiday... the last one was the Macbeth trip in April, but I didn't even take a day off work for that... just the weekend. And Ma hasn't had any holidays since the WhoTrip to Melbourne at the beginning of February.

If we did go, I'm not sure for how long... and given that we were there for quite a while last year, and did the Zoo and Cockatoo Island and Bondi and whatnot... so I'm not sure what else we'd want to do on this trip. At some point I do want to explore Newtown and take a trip to Mays Lane... so maybe that could be on the agenda.

And I found out from Josh at Espionage that Cockatoo Island is hosting Outpost 2013 in April next year... so I think there will have to be a trip around that time, given how much we enjoyed the last one. And doubly so if Josh is involved in curating part of it.

Current Mood:

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