
things that happen on a saturday

who doesn't need a little processed sugar in their life
I'm very much part of the problem rather than being part of the solution...

But more on that later.

If my life was a movie and they wanted to do a montage showing my routine, they would definitely include a section of the Saturday Supermarket Routine... the only things that would change is the time of the year, the specific groceries (and sometimes that doesn't change that much)... but other than that, it's all pretty bog standard.

Thus queue up today's section of the montage...

Oh, wait... there was one bit of today that wasn't an average morning... I was standing in the shower, like you do... brushing my teeth (I'm lazy, it saves time, plus I'm sure I would get toothpaste on my clothes otherwise), like you do... and I was rinsing my mouth, like you do... happened to look up and just hanging there, seemingly staring straight at me with it's little compound eyes was a fairly sizeable Daddy Longlegs spider.

Now generally spiders don't freak me out. Yeah, maybe if one dropped out of the sky and landed on my face, but otherwise not so much. And even though this one was a large spider (for a Daddy Longlegs), and it very definitely lived up to the latter part of its name, I didn't freak out.

I was a little weirded out by the fact it was just sitting there, seemingly staring at me. I was like "dude... I'm naked, you're a spider, you're staring at me, you're officially weirding me out".

Suffice to say, when I got out of the shower I sprayed it with bugspray... I might not be freaked out by spiders, but if they come into my house I figure they're officially fair game.

I swear though that either all bugspray is now being watered down so that you have to use more, and therefore buy more, or else the entire bug kingdom has developed a tolerance for the stuff... we're breeding a race of superbugs... *Kermit Flail* AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!

Ahem... anyway... it took entirely too long before it finally fell from the ceiling. When it did, I drowned it, just for good measure...

Okay, so that was a much, much longer version of the story than I intended on telling...

Moving on...

On an unrelated note, could the eight fucking series of the Lego Minifigures be in the shops already? I know it will be a whole world of "Yay, they're out... yay, I have them all... when's the next series coming out?" as soon as I see them... but still.

Other parts of the world already have them, why don't we!

But getting back to me being part of the problem.

Ma and I went into the city after the supermarket portion of the morning... partially to get something for Princess T's birthday... but while we were already in the general neighbourhood, we decided to just go and have a look at the Christmas decorations in Myer and David Jones.

I know, I know... it's still September, and Christmas decorations have no fucking excuse for being out in the world before the end of October at the earliest... but they're already there... so, you know...

Just as an aside... you know how owls seem to be the hot fashion item just at present... everywhere you go, it's OWLS OWLS OWLS... yeah, seems like Christmas isn't going to be any different... there were definitely more owls amongst the decorations than I think I've ever noticed before.

But the reason that I'm part of the problem is that Christmas decorations wouldn't be available so early if people didn't buy things this early... so early in fact that the stores haven't actually completely finished putting out all their merchandise...

And then factor in my toy soldier addiction... and the fact that Myer had a simple white porcelain toy soldier on the shelf... which is now on my couch.

The thing that is kind of freaking me out though is the fact that given that I've amassed five times the number of Lego minifigures that I had last Christmas, as well as a hell of a lot of artwork, I really have no idea what I'm going to do this Christmas about putting away my regular stuff and bringing out the toy soldier collection.

It's definitely one to ponder.

[end materialist musings here]

We haven't advanced the Sydney musings any further forward... but if we're going to find somewhere decent in mid-October, we need to get a wriggle on...

So yeah... that's all a thing that happened...

Current Mood:

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