
random wickham hotness

We're visiting the world of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries again for this week's Random Hotness...

I already covered Christopher Sean as Bing Lee but this week saw the introduction of Wes Aderhold as George Wickham.

In this modern retelling Wickham is a swimmer instead of a soldier, so Aderhold, with his outrageous abs and general smoking hotness (and I understand he used to be a gymnast) is perfect for the role.

wes aderholdwes aderhold
wes aderholdwes aderhold

And if his abs weren't good enough in photos, wait until you see them in motion...

I think I speak for everyone when I say "Bless you Lydia Bennett"!

Now if only there was a reason to have an episode where both Bing and George show up shirtless...

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